Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Prego Workouts: To Take it Easy, or Not to Take it Easy?

   Thanks to everyone who read my blog! Its been really interesting to read your comments and responses. Keep them coming!
   Since my last post was a little on the heavy side(pun intended), I decided to lighten this one up a bit...Let me just start off with some of my favorite funnies about exercising and we'll go from there. 

     Yup. So I love Zumba. I really do. But its actually one of my favorite past times at the gym to, rather than participate in Zumba, watch everyone else through the glass and burn some calories laughing. And I mean that in the kindest way because we all know that we don't look like "that" girl. And its ok. But it can be frustrating and down right humiliating trying to "shake what your momma gave ya" when most of it just shakes on its own ANYWAY! 
     I went to an aerobics class the other day and I spent most of the time trying to keep my pants from falling off, re-adjusting my EVERYTHING so I felt more comfortable, all while trying to not step on the hottie pa-tottie 60 year-old Asian lady beside me who looks like she just did an episode of Dancing With the Stars. Most of my sweating came from trying to not get run over and hauling my son back and forth from daycare. But, I still love it and will still do it. I might get me one of those tutu's though. Jim Carey is rockin' one.

    Aaah, yoga. You know, yoga is wonderful. You get to wear spandex in uncomfortable positions and everyone is ok with it. Do you know that they actually have sweat-yoga sessions? Like filling the room with hot vapor so you sweat more? So now you're in tight clothes, in uncomfortable positions, sweating profusely. TOTAL LABOR PREPARATION! In fact, I think you're even allowed to grunt now maybe let your husband in on one of your classes just to get a taste of the glory before it happens!

    Aaah, running. My long, lost friend. I love running. Even though my muffin top, pterodactyl wings, and jelly belly give me away, I actually ran a marathon a few years ago. See?

    You better believe I posed for this. Do I look hardcore? Cuz I think I actually had to pee. And if you have ever run any race you know that your life revolves around when you have to pee. But apparently, it gives you a stellar sense of athleticism. 
    So, what happened? Well, you know that part already. Minus the weight I put on after this with the stress of planning a wedding. Ya feel me? But, I had a little reminder of how I got to where I am now the other day. I was on the treadmill and I set my resistance at 2 and my speed at 3 and I was booking it! (If any of you are familiar with treadmills, this was like a glorified, granny walk, like the ones you see at the mall.) Ok, so I wasn't working hard AT ALL. But HGTV was on. And...and...thats what pregnant people do, right? Take it easy. 
     I was feeling pretty proud of myself that I was strong enough to get off my butt, get to the gym, leave my screaming child with a complete stranger in daycare, and walk the flight of stairs up to the treadmills and start my workout. See, doesn't that sound tiring already?
    But here's the thing. About five minutes in, a woman stepped on the treadmill beside me and started running. Of course, I sneakily looked over at her screen to see whether we were gonna be friends or not, because if she was going faster than me, its all over. I saw her screen at 6 mph and instantly felt embarrassed. So I checked her out, to see if maybe she had some love handles or something that could make me not hate her...NOTHING. She looked amazing....and then I heard it.
    A baby crying. Her baby. In his car seat, sitting beside her treadmill. "Uh uh," I told myself, "not friends. She is not allowed to look like that after having a baby." And then it hit me. Why should I hate her? (And I mean that in the secretly jealous kind of way). She is amazing and I should learn her Jedi ways. 
    So we talked for a bit and I found out she was super out-doorzy and loved being pregnant while doing all of those out-doorzy things out-doorzy people do. So awesome. We talked for about 15 min, all while she was still running at 6 mph, and then she left.
    I decided then and there that I have no excuse. Did I mention her baby was only 6 weeks old?? Her body was way more fragile than mine and she was pushing herself, as safely as possible, and not making excuses. 
   So here's to that girl. Can I be that girl...? I am going to try. And the answer to the great, "Workout while pregnant" question is, "Don't take it easy. Take it normal. Work hard, within reason, and love it."

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