Friday, February 21, 2014

I accidently ate all my feelings..

  Hello, friends! It's been a little while since I posted anything. That might have been because I moved to a new place and then moved to Hawaii for two weeks! Woot, woot! But I haven't forgotten about my blog and my goal to give everyone a good laugh, so here goes it...
   First off, let me go ahead and weigh in. 22 weeks pregnant and I weighed 199 this morning. I know!! Yikes. Never, EVER did I think I could weigh almost 200 pounds, and, I had no idea I was going to gain that much weight so fast.
  I weighed myself before leaving for Hawaii and the scale said 194.5 and I was twenty weeks pregnant. That put me at about 6 pounds gained. And even then, I wasn't happy. Thats not horrible, but I really didn't want to put on any all. So it was hard. And then this morning, to see the scale at 199 only two weeks later was depressing beyond belief. YIKES! That's 10.5 pounds gained. And even though that puts me on track to only gain about 20-25, its still hard.
  But let me just say that all my good habits pretty much died a painful death as well in the last month or so. I was drinking lots of water, walking a lot, and snacking on fruit and yogurt. Am I really that surprised that a diet of shaved ice, kalua pig, and chocolate covered macadamia nuts didn't help me stay low on my weight gain? No, not really. :)
I pretty much went from this:
 To this:
Why? You say..Why would anyone change their eating habits  so drastically? Or wear curlers? One word. HORMONES. Story time!!

   Jess and I were out to eat with his Aunt and Uncle a few days ago at a yummy, Mexican restaurant called Costa Vida. Mmmm. How it works is that you get up to the counter, give your order, and then follow them down the line as they ask you questions about what you want on your order.  Now, I don't mind Costa Vida, but I'm kind of Cafe Rio fanatic and I wasn't sure if this place could live up to my expectations. When you're pregnant, its all about your expectations when it comes to food. Like, if I know I'm going to eat a yummy dinner, I get excited about it a week beforehand. And if it falls through, I am DEVASTATED! So, I felt emotionally unbalanced walking into the restaurant because I didn't know if I should be excited or not.

  Just to give you an idea of how insane my relationship with food is right now, lemme script out the scenario for you.
(Hungry pregnant woman enters the scene followed by her husband and young toddler into the Costa Vida. She walks up to the menu and quickly glances over it.)
Jess: Honey, you ok?
Me: Yeah, why?
Jess: You look angry....
Me: Do I?
Jess: Yeah. Are you sure your hungry? Cuz you just look angry.
Me: I'm always hungry! Just can't decide what I want to get. I haven't eaten here in a while.
(A minute goes by and the rest of the group is ready to order)
Jess: Liz...are you sad, or something? Whats wrong?
Me: Oh, um...nothing is sounding good to me...(quivering lip)
Jess: You don't have to get anything.
(Liz looks even sadder)
Me: But I want to! I'm gonna get, um, THAT! Yeah, that. (Points to a random spot on the board.)
Jess: Yyyyeah. Ok. Just get whatever you want babe. (Looks confused.)
(Liz order the sweet pork casedilla, but looks even more depressed once she realizes they don't have the kind of sauce she likes)
Counter Guy: Would like red or green sauce, Ma'am?
(Awkward silence. Some more awkward silence)
Counter Guy: Ma'am?....
Me: Um, well, its just that, um....I don't like ANY of those!!(Tears welling up, only Jess notices)
Counter Guy: I could put some ranch on it?(looks scared)
Me: OOh, yeah! Do that!
(Counter guy walks over to the ranch as Liz notices its the yummy kind of ranch they use at Cafe Rio, her favorite Mexican restaurant.)
Counter Guy: Is this ok?(Holds up ladle so Liz can see it)
Me: OOOOOHHHH....yyyyeah!!! Thats the good kind. Ok, YAY!!!(Starts clapping and jumping up and down)
Before the ranch dressing reveal:

    ...Not even exaggerating. Jess looked at me like I was nuts..You would have thought it was an episode of Extreme Home Makeover. THAT'S how excited I was.
    Now, when your ENTIRE emotional stability rides on whether or not the yummy ranch sauce will be accompanying your meal, you might be pregnant.
  Don't ask me why this is, because I have NO IDEA. But I can tell you that its really nuts. And I have no way to stop it. But, I can only say that its just part of the ride. :)